This sunny Sunday we have spent making our patio pretty for the summer. Iain has brushed every square inch of the floor and stamped (or burnt) over a hundred black widows! We have planted dozens of tomato seedlings (for the interest of the knowledgeable: gardener's delight, roma, supersweet 100, grape and early girl). Most of these will be transported to our newly acquired garden allotment on campus once they're ready and the rest we will try to grow on our patio or give away to friends. We have also planted marigold seeds, hot peppers, chives, sage, chocolate mint, oregano, parsley, spring onions, cilantro (aka coriander) and lavender. Basil is to come and we already have a grape vine, rosemary and a few flowers. This evening we harvested our sugarsnap peas and magetout which we had in a salad for dinner. Yum.
We have grand plans for our allotment that we're sharing with friends Alyssa and Mariam. So far we have planted peas and potatoes (although it may already be too late for them!), aspargus, lettuce, rocket salad and some other salady bits. Later we will grow peppers, strawberries, melons (if Iain can be convinced) and whatever else we can think of! The garden that our allotment is located in has a number of communal fruit trees, grape wines and lots of blackberries. We've done well and pictures will follow! For now, enjoy Iain's predictions regarding the future looks of mr garden plot!
PS Caroline: it's true - Iain now says tomaytoes! It is really strange...
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